How to Tune into the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth

Hi everyone!
In addition to this written post (below), I recorded a guided meditation for paid members, for journeying into the frequency of the New Earth and anchoring it into your body, trusting it, allowing it to carry you. And I wasn’t planning on it, but I was guided to take you on a heart-opening adventure to visit the dolphins of the New Earth and receive the dolphin frequency of play, bliss, and joy.
Guided Meditation for Journeying to the New Earth and Playing with DOLPHINS

~30 Minute Recorded Audio Meditation
This guided meditation is part of my paid membership, which includes access to all ceremony recordings, the upcoming April ceremony, and all bonus channelings/guided journeys — for the price of 1 ceremony (my biggest steal available). You can try it out here:
Paid members can sign in and listen below:
And now for the post!

While there is a lot of purging happening now, the higher frequencies are more available to you than ever before.
It may feel like this journey is never-ending, and you’re continuously clearing more layers of density and separation. It may feel like no matter how much you clear, there’s always more.
This is a reminder to zoom out and see how far you have come. The higher frequencies, the lightness of your being, are more available to you than ever before.
You may feel more sensitive or aware of when you feel low or in your head. But this is only because you have anchored more light in your being, you have risen in your frequency so much that the contrast is even more palpable now. You are more aware of when you don’t feel aligned and expanded. But this does not mean it’s getting worse or you’re going backward – it is the opposite.
You now have more access to your ability to tap into the energy of the New Earth, your highest self, your inner wisdom – because all you’re doing is accessing more of YOU. You have opened up to so much of your light, your true essence.
You have cleared so much density. Every time you feel an emotion, every time you sit with it and love yourself through it, you are clearing lifetimes of trapped energy. You have more access now to more of who you truly are.
It can feel like it’s still far away, when you’re not focused upon it, when you're not tuning into it or creating space to open your heart to what is already available. When you're caught up in your head, it can still feel like you’re stuck in the old day-to-day on repeat. If you’re always thinking about the past or future, trying to plan and control, and feeling overwhelmed with it all, it's not going to feel like this peace is available to you.
If you can allow yourself to create spaciousness to get out of the noise, sit in nature, bask in the sun, put on some beautiful music – whatever it is for you – you will notice you can tune into such a different frequency. As you do this more and more, this calm is going to get louder and more real, more your default state. Your fears and overthinking will become the smaller part of you, an echo of the past.
What you’re doing is not only visiting this frequency when you sit down and choose to – you are tuning into it, becoming more familiar with it, so it can be anchored in your body. This frequency is a key that unlocks your ability to tune to it over and over again throughout your day, every day, every week. It’s like a metronome, allowing you to tune yourself up and up into more expansion, peace, and bliss.
Before, when you tried to tune into this energy, it was more like trying to imagine it and receiving glimpses of this peace. But now, when you actually open your heart to it, it feels more real, more all-consuming, more tangible. You can bask in it, and it's so relaxing. There's so much trust here that everything is working out.
This ascension journey has been hard because you've had to believe it before you can see it. You've had to take the leap of faith and try to trust. You've had to try to imagine it in order to bring it to life.
But now, the energy of the universe is supporting you even more than ever before. You have more access to these higher frequencies, and you can lean on them for support to pull you forward and higher. You don't have to do all the heavy lifting anymore, in a sense. You can use this connection that you now have to pull you forward. Your highest self is helping to pull you upward, telling you that this is the real frequency. It is safe to trust this calm. It is safe to let go of your fears. You can feel it now.
I just recorded a guided meditation for journeying into the frequency of the New Earth and anchoring it into your body, trusting it, allowing it to carry you. And I wasn’t planning on it, but I was guided to take you on a heart-opening adventure to visit the dolphins of the New Earth and receive the dolphin frequency of play, bliss, and joy.
Guided Meditation for Journeying to the New Earth and Playing with DOLPHINS
Receiving the New Earth Codes and the Dolphin Frequency
~30 Minute Recorded Audio Meditation
This guided meditation is part of my paid membership, which includes access to all ceremony recordings, the upcoming April ceremony, and all bonus channelings/guided journeys — for the price of 1 ceremony (my biggest steal available).
Written with love,