What do You Share with the World? (A Story)

You are it.

I was talking to my friend the other day, reflecting on my path as she was sharing her ideas for what she wants to do. And I said, “I don’t think I started my writing, my page, with a specific niche or topic in mind. And I still don’t think I have a “niche”… It’s just me. I write about whatever is coming up for me in the moment. I write about fear one day, then spirituality, then trippy topics like the quantum universe, and then work…”
But then, she said… “Even though you write about so many different things, there is a common theme.”
I said, “What is it?”
“You’re all about the heart… Coming back to the heart.”
Oh, right! Yes, there is an underlying message woven throughout all of my messages — coming back to your heart, to the truth of who you are… There is an underlying gentleness in my messages.
I didn’t start off with that theme in mind; I didn’t try to write to fit a certain niche. I think that theme is there, because it is the essence of who I am and how I see the world — and it just bleeds into my writing. I can’t help but write this way.
Of course, I was aware of it — because it came up so often in what I was trying to explore and heal in myself. A couple months after I left my career in Silicon Valley and packed my bags, I was on a rooftop of a hostel in Spain, under the brilliant stars… And I was struck by the grand promise of the unknown path ahead. I felt like it was the beginning of something special, and anything was possible. The most magical journey was available to me, if I chose to rise and meet it. And so, I spoke this intention into the universe: “Show me the power of my heart, and I will teach the world.”
The heart has a way, and little did I know, it was already guiding me.
My journey around the world took me into the depths of myself…
First, healing my heart. Learning to love myself. Learning to love and trust life. Everything else blossomed from there… Finding love. Finding what I love to do. Creating a life I love. Discovering how I love to BE as I walk through life.
The underlying theme was love. My love for life, my love for the world, was the foundation. Insisting on making the most of this time on Earth. Insisting on peeling back the layers, until I am walking in friendship with my own heart. Insisting on discovering who I truly am, so I can let myself fly free.
Maybe what you focus on shifting and healing within yourself becomes what you can best share with others. If you think you have nothing to share — you do. It’s right under your nose. You have already been doing it. It is everything you have experienced, everything you’ve learned, everything you yearn to shift.
And it’s not even about what you say. It’s the essence of you. Your light. Your love. And this is what other people can feel.
Written with love,