Your Highest Timeline is Already Here

And one day, you will know it in your bones...
You are already walking it. You are so much further than you can see. And only by seeing yourself through the eyes of your soul, will you see how far you have truly come… the magnitude of what you are doing in this life, the shifts in your consciousness that will change everything.
It is just your human self that is journeying into the remembering of this union — letting go of all filters, layers of density, fears, and ideas of separation. You are now allowing yourself to be here and remember your connection.
There is nothing you need to worry about or plan, no boxes to tick. It is already done. Walk your path, trust yourself, trust the process to naturally unfold. Everything you wish, everything you yearn for is here, and it is yours.
There is no stopping you from your wildest dreams. There is no stopping you from your highest timeline, because it is already here.
FROM THE HUMAN MIND, this ascension process feels linear. It can feel like it is taking forever. You may think there is so much further to go, but it will help when you can see that it is already done in the highest dimensions. The New Earth of your wildest dreams is here. It is already within you. There is nothing you need to do, accomplish, or rush in order to make it materialize around you. It is happening naturally, and every day, it comes to life.
When I set out to record the ten modules and ceremonies for Create a Life Doing What You Love, I knew it wasn’t going to be a regular course. I didn’t want to just go into the practical, or even just the mindset shifts. I wanted to offer a deeply energetic journey that would help you tune into the core of your being — your clarity, your inner wisdom, your trust… and most of all, your heart — your true essence, your infinite love, and the place where limitless possibilities exist.
I knew all of this, and yet I did not realize how profound this creation would actually be… or that I would be going on a journey myself.
I have shifted so much in the last 4-6 weeks, and I could feel everything I have anchored in my own being — my trust, inner knowing, and conviction — seep into the videos I recorded. More than the wisdom and words I share, it is the energy — the frequency — of how I show up, and the pure conviction I have for this new way of BEING that I know is possible for all. I am so happy to have captured this energy, in this format!
Between the mystical and multidimensional, you will find inspiring stories, activating wisdom, practical processes, and Q&As.
Every module comes with a ceremony to help anchor the shifts energetically and support your journey into trusting your highest self. There are also some unexpected videos that came through — radiant pep talks on the ascension journey, a channeled message I brought through in a meditative trance, bonus trainings… and overall, companionship, encouragement, and love on this courageous journey of following your heart.
I HAVE OPENED 20 ADDITIONAL EARLY BIRD SPOTS after it sold out yesterday, to allow everyone who messaged me or wanted to get it a chance to sign up.
Creating a Life Doing What You Love
The New Earth Way of Living, Creating, and Thriving
10 Modules — Self-guided: Do it at your own pace
Once you sign up, you can start it whenever - and you will always have access to it.
Payment plans are available ~ feel free to message me!
Written with love,