Your Path Will Not Make Sense to the Logical Mind

Your Path Will Not Make Sense to the Logical Mind

Here is your roundup of all recent posts!


If it doesn't make sense to the logical mind, you are probably on the right track.

Written with love,


The Early Days
The early days, when no one is there to believe in you but yourself – that is where your wings are forged, your trust is born. ~~~ FOLLOWING YOUR EXCITEMENT, ESPECIALLY IF IT GIVES YOU NO EVIDENCE OF WHERE IT WILL LEAD, IS YOUR HIGHEST PATH — EVEN WHEN IT DOESN’T LOOK
There is No Answer in the World Out There
I feel like this should be a spoken word poem. 😄 ~~~ YOU GREW UP, thinking this is life. Concrete jungles, living in boxes… depression and pills, rejection and bills… the drone of society and your own inner voice, telling you: You are nothing, you are alone, you are not good enough.
Nothing is Wrong With You for Feeling Any Emotion
You cannot raise your frequency without loving yourself through the darkest depths of your heaviest emotions. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU FOR FEELING ANY WAY. It is normal to have big emotions move through, and yet growing up, you may have felt unsafe in feeling them… especially if big expressions
The Whisper of the Heart / Awareness: A Story – A Two-Part Post
Reality may be an illusion, and at the same time, your magical existence is real. And it’s more delicious than you could ever imagine. IF WE ARE ALL ONE, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE FOR OUR INDIVIDUALITY IN THIS REALITY? What is the reason for this life, for this process
What is Holding You Back from Receiving the New Earth?
THIS CONCEPT THAT THE NEW EARTH IS SEPARATE FROM YOU, AND YOU NEED TO FEEL A CERTAIN WAY TO RECEIVE IT, IS HOLDING YOU BACK. Let go of this idea that you need to be in a certain frequency or completion of your healing journey to walk on the New